When you create something here in England you acquire an ownership or copyright in it. This means if someone uses it, copies it or claims it as their own there may be legal consequences.
There are circumstances where owners may give permission for it to be used free of charge or without incurring a royalty. For example the drawing on this webpage was made in Kyoto, Japan. The artist gave permission for it be used without requiring her name to be referenced.
This is not always the case. Images and drawings are misused, credit given to someone else or used in a way the artist did not intend.
There are circumstances where someone has their photograph taken without their permission and used to advertise something they do not approve of.
A musician may have their music recorded without their permission, played numerous times without earning any royalties whatsoever.
Media law covers several legal fields including; corporate, finance, intellectual property, publicity and privacy laws.
Media law includes
If you believe someone has taken advantage of something you have created contact us for a free consultation about your entitlements under media law.
Phone us on 0800 254 5262 and speak to a lawyer.
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